love hurts

herkes okusun,herkes dinlesin,herkesi acıtsın dediğim şarkıdır.

tonight we drink to youth
and holding fast to truth
ı don’t want to lose what ı had as a boy
my heart still has a beat
but love is now a feat
as common as a cold day in la
sometimes when ı’m alone, ı wonder
ıs it a spell that ı am under
keeping me from seeing the real thing?
love hurts…
but sometimes it’s a good hurt
and it feels like ı’m alive
love sings
when it transcends the bad things
have a heart and try me, ‘cause without love ı won’t survive
ı’m fettered and abused
ı stand naked and accused
should ı surface this one man submarine?
ı only want the truth
so tonight we drink to youth
ı’ll never lose what ı had as a boy
sometimes when ı’m alone, ı wonder
ıs it a spell that ı am under
keeping me from seeing the real thing?
love hurts…
but sometimes it’s a good hurt
and it feels like ı’m alive
love sings
when it transcends the bad things
have a heart and try me,
‘cause without love ı won’t survive
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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