yaran youtube yorumları

ala rase
video : sabri sarıoğlu çal keke çal http://tinyurl.com/dx7fzjn

yorum :

Play keke.
One day im hanging around the school garden.
My teacher called me "come here mehmet". i said"yes sir",
She said show your pencil,i showed my 7,65,
She said show your notepad,i showed court papers,
she said show me a map,at this moment my darling,i showed my razor blade wounds ,
My teacher asked me " what are these ?? " . "sir,these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho ! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling`s hazel eyes.
Play keke play.

gözümden yaşlar geldi. piç.
bu başlıktaki tüm girileri gör

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